This photo was taken last may 20, this place is just very near to our house, I asked my sister to take me a picture to post in facebook. but, i guess I wasn't able to achieve that goal, because, I posted it here in my blog instead in facebook. A bit of description on the picture... Here, I was standing in front of this panoramic view. And as you notice It look like I am pointing something, but actually I have nothing to point, my sister took the shot for me, and she told me to put a little bit of drama, so I did that one "the pointing".. Well I don't know if it suggested drama on the picture. but its all I can do. Anyway, I'm not an actor to care about those drama's.. I'd rather focus my self on the real drama's of life.ryt? Why did I post this picture and write an article for it on my blog? actually, nothing is significant. I just want to explore my rights in Blogging. And just to know how it would look like. have G...