Fireproof: A Reflection

A Reflection

The book of Psalms 18:28 said, “For you will light my lamp; the Lord will enlighten my darkness.” For all the verses I know in the bible I believe this was the one who can best relate on the film, Fireproof.
The film, as what I have understood, is a story of a couple caught in a complicated situation of their marriage. Misuderstanding, miscommunication and misadjustments worsen their situation. The woman who feels being unappreciated and the man who doesn't feel validated at home were left facing a dilemma between to pursue a divorce or to find a chance to regain their marriage vows. Then heres the father of caleb( Kirk Cameroon) who challenged him into a 40 day love test, that could possibly make atonement of the lost appetite of their marriage. Then he accepted the challenge and tried to do the things listed on the book, although a response isn't visible on his embittered wife he still continued. and they end up realizing the 'till death do us part promise of their marriage.
The Lord will always enlighten our darkness, that sometimes we may encounter trials in life but what's the most important is we should know to where we can come into when faced into a situaton like this. On the film, they are faced into a dilemma where they have to decide on how they will end up their marriage. Yet, they end up together by the enlightment of God. People around us might light our way but not as bright as God can do for us.
I believe that marriage would be one of the factors that would complete a person's life. Therefore, it has all the rights to be taken cared of, like a pearl kept in its shell, for a while a diver would soon end the tutelage, but it doesn't mean the end, but it would actually paved the way of the pearl to be more appreciated by the lucky person who would own and take care of it like the most precious stone. Someday, If I'll get married I would always acknowledge God. I'm certain that if my turn would come, it will be the one he reserve for me and she will be the daughter of my father and my father-in-law. Trials will always be part of one's life. In a marriage, we shouldn't leave our partners on fire, it would mean a billion definition but for me, it's like saying that when a fire was left alone, it may explode or loose its life, and for a marriage it should not be the scenario. Marriage vows are commited before the eyes of our Lord more than the piece of paper and a pen, letting go of it, would mean a great disappointment of him, which I wouldn't want to happen.
The film, would also taught us that we should always understand each other and to not stop discovering the things that could bring a smile to our loveones especially partners. Making each others happy is a never-ending obligation of every partners to keep the fire of intimacy burning.
So much with the film, it would be a great movie for couples and actually for everyone. It would taught us so many lessons in life especially for a husband and wife relationship. The film could greatly touch our hearts and will lead us into a bright realization that vows must be kept forever, that there is no valid reason to loose our grip on it. Loosing it would mean a great pain to our God. Therefore, we must put him in the center of our life and relationships for a brighter and fruitful partnership bind by a ring, signed on a piece paper and witnessed by our God, Jesus Christ.


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